Author: NWGY

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Introducing a new web site isn’t easy, and I am using this site to share my thoughts and ideas about a wide variety of topics, but centered on Truth with a capital ‘T’. The title of this site, ‘This Is The Time’ is my way of stating that there is no time like the present…

  • What it means to be Christian

    I am sitting here in church, basically ignoring the sermon, writing this blog post. Ironic that this post is about what it means to be Christian. I am more and more convinced that being Christian means avoiding church more than it means attending church. What we are taught in the sermon seems more disconnected from…

  • Guns


    Where do you go when you have no way to defend yourself? I have in my mind the memories of stories I have heard about young people, kids, who are taken advantage of by adults; usually adults those children believed would defend them. I remember stories of women; raped and kidnapped, killed, abused. Always men…

  • Father’s Day

    What does it mean to declare yourself a father? In today’s America, father is a bad word. My father was not a man I had anything but hate for when I was growing up, and I think that hate existed so strongly because my love for him was so strong. I admired him, and wanted…

  • History and Howard Zinn

    I recently had a conversation with a couple of my neighbors at the bus stop prior to putting my sons on the bus to get them on their way to school. It was a terrific conversation – I love getting to know people – hearing their opinions and ideas and sharing their joys and sorrows…

  • Quantum Theory and the New Relativism

    I don’t know how many out there have heard of Quantum Theory and the concept of Schroedinger’s cat, but the topic actually came up in a facebook discussion I had and I wanted to blog about it. Schroedinger’s cat is a representative analogy that attempts to concisely describe the concepts behind quantum theory. In quantum…

  • Lord, Save Us from your Followers

    I had the distinct pleasure last night of watching a film by Dan Merchant called ‘Lord, Save Us From Your Followers’. It is a documentary of his travels around the United States trying to dialog with people about christians and Christianity. His perspectives were nothing new, and the ideas he represents are not new to…

  • Sometimes, Nice is not ‘Good’

    Early in my married life I was under the mistaken impression that God had it in for me to be a pastor. I love church (little c) and all that comes with it – the people, the ideas, and oh yeah – God. I go to church to meet God – not to say that…

  • The Cost of Spirituality

    It’s time to get real. The core of life is in our relationship with God. Having a relationship with God requires knowledge of who He is. Knowing who He is requires a little work, and the work is never something you think up to do, but it is something He guides you through to bring…

  • The New Atheism

    For those that are unfamiliar with the term ‘atheism’, the term is defined by as ‘the doctrine or belief that there is no God.’ or more generally ‘disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.’ While either of these definitions are suitable for the purposes of this blog, there is little doubt…